VBF - Calling for Voting Representatives of Associate Members in Management Board 2024 - Deadline: COB May 29, 2024

Dear Members and Friends,

VBF is calling for an election of 2 Representatives of Associate Chambers in the VBF Management Board.

In 2022, AusCham and SCCV were reelected to sit in the Management Board. Now it is time for us to vote again who will be our next Representatives.

The voting process is as below:

  • Election period will be from May 22th to 29th 2024
  • Voting method: via email
  • Each Associate Chamber is entitled to cast votes for up to two (2) chambers utilizing the provided ballot. In the event of a closely contested vote, we will circle back to request your reselection of preferred Chambers to advocate for your interests. It is important to note that your nominations are made on behalf of your Chamber, not as individuals. Following the determination of the two Chambers, we will request the appointment of an individual to represent each Chamber on the VBF Management Board. 
  • The ballot is HERE, which must be submitted to the AusCham Advocacy Officer at advocacy@auschamvn.org by COB, 28th May, 2024