The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (“AusCham”) is committed to providing a high-quality environment for AusCham members (“Members”) to network and conduct business. This Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets out the minimum standards of acceptable behaviour of Members. Members are expected to ensure that they treat fellow Members and guest participants with respect and fairness, at all times, and keep in mind the following guidelines for appropriate conduct.
1. AusCham welcomes the exchange of business cards and contact details with other Members and guest participants. However, AusCham discourages the distribution of or requests for Member’s business cards/contact details for unsolicited or aggressive marketing. Members and guest participants should, therefore, strive to forge individual connections with Members and guest participants before introducing business deals, sales pitches or investment opportunities.
2. Members and guest participants should act with professionalism in dealings with one another at AusCham events and in all communications. They should not spam through email or share contact details with third parties without the person’s consent.
3. Members and guest participants should act ethically, professionally and with respect and courtesy toward others. They should not engage in Inappropriate Behaviour (as defined below).
4. AusCham encourages the responsible consumption of alcohol and intoxicated participants at our events will be requested to leave the event.
5. By participating in our events, or through becoming a member of AusCham, Members and guest participants accept and support AusCham’s mission, vision and values and agree to comply with the terms of the AusCham Charter.
6. Members may use AusCham Member Logos on their business literature and communications in accordance with the AusCham Member Logo Usage Policy. Members shall not refer to their membership of AusCham in a way that could convey the impression of an endorsement by AusCham.
7. Members will comply with Vietnamese laws and any other laws govern them.
This Code should be interpreted in spirit as well as to the letter. Instances of any behaviour that could be interpreted as inconsistent with the Code may result in suspension or withdrawal of AusCham membership.
Where used in this Code, “Inappropriate Behaviour” consists of, but is not limited to, inciting or condoning harassment, aggression, intimidation, foul language or comment or discrimination based on another participant’s race, colour, religion, ethnicity, ancestry, medical conditions, age, body size, sexual orientation, gender identity or mental abilities.