Olivia Wood

Executive Advisor & CEO

Lotus Advisory Group

Olivia Wood is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of leadership experience across Aged Care, Health, Sports Management, and Education. She specialises in strategic planning, corporate development, and project implementation, with a strong passion for innovative solutions that enhance the wellbeing of older adults. Olivia has successfully led complex organisations, driving financial stability, operational efficiency, and long-term growth. 

Her career highlights include serving as COO of RMIT Vietnam where she managed all operations and successfully delivered on multiple projects for facilities management, was the inaugural chair of the Safer Community, and OHS and supported the digitalisation of RMIT, with her teams awarded for exceptional service to the university. She worked closely with government agencies and managed the legal teams to navigate the complex education sector in Vietnam.  She served as the CEO of Presbyterian Aged Care (NSW & ACT, Australia), where she managed a diverse portfolio of residential homes, in-home care services, and retirement communities. She also played a key role in primary health care leadership, leading large-scale programs for vulnerable communities and securing critical funding.  

Now based in Vietnam, Olivia applies her expertise internationally, contributing to aged care, health care development, education, and sports management initiatives. Her track record in strategic planning, governance, working with Board, financial strategy, capital development, operational efficency and quality assurance, and workforce development underscores her commitment to driving transformative outcomes for organisations and communities. Olivia holds a BSocSci (MACQ), she is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and holds an AD Leadership and Management (UNE).  Oliva has launched an Advisory Group focused on bringing Aged Care and Education Expertise to Vietnam and works with government and industry for quality outcomes.