An Invitation to APAC Mid-Year Outlook 2020:React and ReimagineWith the second half of 2020 well under way, CBRE invites you to join us for our upcoming APAC Mid-Year Outlook. How has the real estate industry adapted to the Covid-19 era – and how can it stay resilient in the months ahead?
In this exclusive webinar, Dr. Henry Chin, Head of Research, Asia Pacific and Europe Middle East and Africa, will share our latest views on real estate fundamentals, structural changes to look out for, and how soon we can expect APAC markets to recover. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion featuring CBRE market experts across sectors.
As the industry continues to navigate through uncharted territory, our webinar will also explore the emergence of two distinct approaches:
React and Reimagine.- Occupiers and investors reacting to the pandemic will be cautious as they look at consolidating to build resilience.
- Organisations that reimagine their strategies will adopt bold and innovative solutions as opportunities emerge.
We hope you will join us for this comprehensive and timely overview of the APAC real estate sector.
Featured Speakers
(Disclaimer: This is not an AusCham Vietnam event, but is promoted in good faith as an event that may or may not be of interest to AusCham’s members).