Meet all the speakers from: LIN’s Annual Cross-Sector Conference 2020 (Virtual)Trust - Innovation - OpportunityDate: 27th August 2020, 9AM-6PM LIN’s Annual Cross-Sector Conference 2020 aims to connect various stakeholders across diverse sectors to form strategic and sustainable models for social impact in local communities. This conference offers a unique platform to gain insights and experiences about innovative partnerships, exploring new approaches to cross-sector partnerships in Vietnam, as well as opportunities to make meaningful connections to further local community development.
For full profile of our speakers, visit here
Buy your ticket NOW to join the Conference at
Don’t miss out on this unique knowledge sharing opportunity! Tickets are now available for sale that allow participants to access Zoom Webinar with supportive functions such as simultaneous translation, interact with speakers and panels via Q&A and Polling function… as well as keynote summary of event highlights and presentations from the conference.
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