Vietnam x Victoria (V2): Virtual Trade Mission

Global Victoria is the State Government of Victoria, Australia's trade agency, and welcome you to Vietnam x Victoria (V2): Virtual Trade Mission. This hybrid mission will showcase Victoria's strengths and capabilities in technology, food and beverage, and sustainable development, while connecting Victorian and Vietnam businesses in these sectors through virtual and in-person events. Don't miss the launch of the mission during our virtual Summit event on 15 June, including the chance to hear from one of Vietnam's leading entrepreneurs and female tech champions, Ms Van Dang, CEO of Savvycom. You can also hear from Victorian industry leaders during two insightful panel discussions on Cities of the Future and Industries of the Future. Please check out the 35 Victorian Companies participating in the Program. Be sure to register your interest if you would like to meet any of these innovative companies. This mission is supported by the Australian and Vietnamese Government, industry associations, business chambers and leading private and public sector organizations.Key Dates: 
  • 15 June 2021 - Vietnam x Victoria (V2): Virtual Trade Mission eventV2 Virtual Trade Mission Summit, Vietnamese program - EN VN
  • 16 - 25 June 2021: Business Matching Program
  1. Vietnam x Victoria VTM Media Release
  2. Vietnam Program for Vietnam x Victoria Virtual Trade Mission 2021
 (Disclaimer: This is not an AusCham Vietnam event, but is promoted in good faith as an event that may or may not be of interest to AusCham’s members).