Mai House Saigon Hotel

Mai House Saigon Hotel
- Discount 10% on the best available room rate when booking directly with the hotel (not through 3rd party channels)
- Discount 10% on total bill for food & beverage services at "C'est La Vie" Restaurant, Thơm Lounge and Mai Sky Rooftop Bar (Offer cannot be applied concurrently with gift vouchers and other promotions.)
Valid Until
Special Notes
* Location to apply the offer
- Mai House Saigon Hotel - No.157, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
+ Thơm Lounge (Ground Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
+ "C'est La Vie'' Restaurant (2nd Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
+ Mai Sky Rooftop Bar (14th Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
* T&C apply
- The above preferential rates are applied when customers are identifies as AusCham Member
- Members make a reservation in advance directly with the hotel via hotline: 028 7303 9000 or email: (not through 3rd party channels)
- Split invoices in any form are not accepted
- Offer is not redeemable or transferable
- Mai House Saigon Hotel - No.157, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
+ Thơm Lounge (Ground Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
+ "C'est La Vie'' Restaurant (2nd Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
+ Mai Sky Rooftop Bar (14th Floor, Mai House Saigon Hotel)
* T&C apply
- The above preferential rates are applied when customers are identifies as AusCham Member
- Members make a reservation in advance directly with the hotel via hotline: 028 7303 9000 or email: (not through 3rd party channels)
- Split invoices in any form are not accepted
- Offer is not redeemable or transferable
Company Address
No.157, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Company Generic Email
Contact Person Email