Membership Directory - Corporate

Government of Western Australia, Ho Chi Minh City Office


Vietnam operates as part of the ASEAN regional hub, providing advice on specific trade and investment opportunities in Vietnam; market entry strategies; supporting visits; and facilitating business to business introductions between potential customers and partners in Western Australia and Vietnam.

The ASEAN region is supported by staff in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Singapore, and soon to be in Malaysia and the Philippines. This network of international offices works in close partnership with the Perth Head Office of Invest and Trade WA.

Together we work hard to foster relationships across a broad range of government and industry stakeholders, both within Western Australia, Vietnam and the broader ASEAN region, to attract investment and grow trade opportunities.
Industry (selecting multiple options is possible): Government of Australia
Street: Unit 02-120, Level 2, The Sentry Connect, Sonatus Building, 15 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: +84 967852228
Company Website Address:


A/Investment and Trade Commissioner, ASEAN
Trade and Investment Director
Investment and Trade Commissioner ASEAN (Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam)