Membership Directory - Corporate



Aus4Skills is a ten-year partnership (2016-2025) between Vietnam and Australian governments to build Vietnam’s human resource capacity to take advantage of emerging economic opportunities, achieve long term development, and respond to and recover from COVID-19.

The Aus4Skills program was introduced in 2016 to support Vietnam to access high-level professional and technical knowledge and skills to contribute towards sustainable socio-economic development. It incorporates the long-standing Australia Awards Scholarships, as well as a diverse range of human resource development activities. Extended in 2021, Aus4Skills Phase 2 (2021-2025) builds on achievements from Phase 1 and aims to deepen the relationship between Australia and Vietnam, and enhance public diplomacy and economic engagement between counterparts and institutions.

Phase 2 includes the exciting new Vietnam-Australia Centre(VAC). A dynamic centre of education, research and dialogue, the VAC will bring together Australian and Vietnamese experts to support Vietnam’s leadership in addressing national, regional and international challenges.

Aus4Skills is an Aus4Vietnam investment, managed by Tetra Tech International Development Pty Ltd, on behalf of the Australian Government
Industry (selecting multiple options is possible): Education & Training
Street: Level 9, Tower A, Handi Resco Tower 521 Kim Ma, Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
Phone: +84 24393939912


Deputy Program Director
Alumni Engagement Manager
Program Director