Membership Directory - Corporate

TLC Modular Construction LLC


TLC was established in 1995 as a direct result of the founders being successfully involved in building and construction, construction in the oil and gas industry, offshore marine construction, CKD portable cabins (modular) and steel fabrication.

TLC has more than 20 years experience and has worked successfully in partnership with major foreign construction contractors in Vietnam and abroad. The organisation has built and developed a highly qualified local workforce, established invaluable networks and a wealth of knowledge.

TLC has been able to grow rapidly in conjunction with Vietnam’s infrastructure and energy sectors and develop into a highly specialised and diverse organisation.

TLC is able to meet and exceed client’s expectations for service, quality, manpower and technical resources.

To find out more about TLC and the organisations services.

Total Number of Staff (Globally): 320
Industry (selecting multiple options is possible): Construction & Architecture
Street: Samco Building, L4, 326 Vo Van Kiet St., Co Giang Ward, Dist 1, HCMC
Phone: +84 2873067779
Company Website Address:


Global Business Development Manager
Founder & Group CEO