Kianh Foundation Auscham Charity Ball Donation Ceremony

Kianh Foundation
Monday 9 January 2023 - The 2022 AusCham Charity Ball was a success on many levels but none so great as presenting the much need funds to our 5 AusCham Charity Partners during this week. What an honour after so much work to present the cheque to Jackie Wrafter co-founder of The Kianh Foundation.

Jackie Wrafter MBE and Jacci Bulman set up The Kianh Foundation after a visit to an orphanage in hoi An in 2000. They were so moved by the disabled kids dire living conditions in the orphanage they decided to set up The Kianh Foundation. Today, The Kianh Foundation runs its own school & therapy Centre which gives families the support they need to allow them to keep their special child within the family rather than giving them up to an orphanage or institution. 

AusCham is proud to continue to support these amazing Australian run charity initiatives and help raise much needed funds to enable our most vulnerable communities to flourish.