NS BlueScope And The 30-Year Journey Of Leading In The Vietnamese Alloy

NS BlueScope And The 30-Year Journey Of Leading In The Vietnamese Alloy-Coated Steel Industry

30 years is the journey that NS BlueScope VietNam has stood with their pioneering technology to keep providing the sustainable alloy-coated steel solutions.

  • In 1993 - BlueScope first introduced the two-phases alloy-coated AZ technology to the Vietnamese market, which is defeated the disadvantages of the one-phase coated technology.
  • In 2019 - BlueScope launched the AM ACTIVATE™ 4-matrix phases alloy-coated technology that provides the superior corrosion resistance with self-sealing effect, withstand the challenge of harsh environments and protecting the projects for the long last beauty. The AM - ACTIVATE™ has set a new industry benchmark for alloy-coated steel technology in Vietnam with the new generation.

NS BlueScope VietNam sincerely expresses the deepest gratitude for our partners who always place the reliance on us by keep choosing our solutions for years.

30 years is not the end of the journey. The ambitious of being a trustful companion force us into a continuous innovation for the sustainable development of alloy-coated steel industry.