Calling for Comments on Tax Policies and Regulations

Member News

Dear Members and Friends,

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Finance (MOF) is currently in the process of developing several important tax policies and regulations, and seeking your input on these law projects. Specifically:

1. Draft Law on Corporate Income Tax (CIT) (amended)

Click HERE to download the MOF's proposal for changing Draft Decree on Corporate Income Tax, including Report to Government, Explanation, Draft Law on Corporate Income Tax, Impact Assessment Report, Implementation Assessment Report and Official Letter from MOF calling for comments on the Draft Law. 

2. Draft Decree on Special Sales Tax

Click HERE to download the MOF's proposal for changing Draft Decree on Corporate Income Tax, including Report to Government, Explanation, Draft Law on Corporate Income Tax, Impact Assessment Report, Implementation Assessment Report and Official Letter from MOF calling for comments on the Draft Law. 

3. VAT Policy on Exported Services

Click HERE for Official Letter from MOF calling for comments on the policy. 

If you wish to provide feedback on these draft law and policies, please submit your comments to the AusCham Advocacy Officer at (using the provided template in both Vietnamese and English HERE). These inputs will be compiled by AusCham and submitted to the relevant authorities.

We would appreciate your comments by COB June 25, 2024 to meet the MOF's deadline.