Australian Citizens in Vietnam and Vaccines


On Thursday, 22 July 2021, AusCham held a webinar, Australian Citizens & Vaccines briefing open to AusCham and non-AusCham members alike to discuss issues around vaccine availability in Vietnam. AusCham has seen an impact on its members relative to vaccine scarcity with some members potentially losing the economic benefits of the past couple of years, their strategic staff and not being able to travel to other sites or projects. The affects on business is palpable and so is the need for AusCham to advocate for policy change. AusCham discussed the following topics:

What We Can’t Do – We cannot purchase vaccines – AusCham shared an overview on the worldwide agreement of vaccines being distributed government to government or vaccine manufacturer to government or via the COVAX program – The discussion also covered the fraudulent vaccine schemes and why you should not engage with them.


What We Shouldn’t Be Doing – We should not expect other Australian agencies to deliver on individual needs when they cannot. We shared the current policy process and how this works as set by the Australian Federal Government.

What We Can Do – We have the ability to advocate on behalf of our members and business leaders which includes families and employees. AusCham will share the best approach and how to grow a combined voice to affect change.

What We Can Do - AusCham will work with Members and Friends to advocate policy change to the Australian government. If you want to get involved please follow these steps:

1. Go to Contacts of the Australian Government (below) and select your State Premier 

2. Go to Letter to Member of Parliament_Letterhead and fill in the details

3. Email the letter to your Member. Please repeat these steps for your State and Federal MP's too; this will ensure more coverage and lobbying capacity on behalf of Australian in Vietnam. Please click on the following links (below) for contacts of the Australian Government and Letter head.

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